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PDF eBooks are becoming more popular than ever these days. This is primarily because of the security and compatibility of PDF. Just from the complete name of PDF file: Portable Document Format we can easily learn that PDF file is a breeze to be transferred. PDF eBooks are so commonly spread that you can easily discover their whereabouts everywhere: Word wide web, Computer, iPod device, iPhone, and so forth. People like PDF eBooks since it is so handy and safe. So, if you're an author, copywriter or a person who has passions to write own story to store or share, this tip can certainly do you some favor. Since they are the most efficient three ways I know to make PDF eBooks.

The Very First Way: Try to Make eBooks With Adobe Acrobat

There's no arguing that Adobe Acrobat is considered the most preferred application to create PDF eBooks. It's highly effective and secure. It allows you to create new pages, edit textual content, pictures, pages, headers and footers, backlinks, properties, securities effortlessly. The only Disadvantages of this software are that the cost is way too high for personal users and also the size is large which has high prerequisites for the Operating system and the Computer.

The Second Way: Create eBooks With Infix PDFFile Editor

Other than Adobe Acrobat, Infix PDF file editor and sodaPDF are the best tools to edit and create PDF eBooks I have ever used. You can even easily edit PDF text, pages, images, headers and footers, backlinks, securities, properties with these tools. In contrast to Adobe Acrobat, it cannot split and merge PDF documents. On the other hand, I recommended a little more about its text feature, as you're able to write text anywhere in the pages with text flow, even more, handy than in Word. Disadvantages of this particular tool are the cost is also a bit higher which is not very easy to view the last textual content formatting while changing, you have to save your file first and after that see your text formatting for example colors, and so forth.

The Third Way: Create eBooks With Word Office Plug-In, Save As PDFFile

Perhaps you have used to revise the story in MS Word; it's handy and productive. To create your PDF eBook, you need to convert Word to PDF file simply. By using this Office Plug-in Save As PDF, you will soon save Word file to PDF. It's free of charge, just download it from Microsoft. Disadvantages of this approach: you will have Microsoft Word installed in advance, and you can easily save one Word file to PDF each time. It is also not very handy for you to change the converted PDF file eBooks without having the original Word files. In this particular case, you in many cases can use AnyBizSoft. It is not that handy, but to some extent, it can serve the purpose. You have to make sure that you are saving your work while making changes.